Sunday, July 12, 2009

post number 2 is underway!
okaaaaaaaaaaaaay. where to begin. hm....
oh! i know what to talk about! ok, so, the title of this blog calls for an explanation, dont you think? well, the story behind that, ha. youll like this:

ok. so as i was creating this blog last night, i was jamming out (really more like spazzing out) to my ipod. well when it came time to give it a title fit for such a blog as this, i, being the jedi-master that i am, turned to my ever-present ipod for a little help. the song that had just started playing was shiver me timbers by mercy mercedes. im one of the most random freaks you will ever come into contact with so when i thought about the phrase 'shiver me timbers' i immediately thought topsy turvy and ship shape. do you see the connection between the two? see they are both pirate catch phrases. see? im not thaaaat random.

ha. well. thats where the title came from. i felt that it deserved an epic explanation. i hope i provided such one.

well there you have it. post numero two has been completed. i dont know if you can tell but im rather proud of myself for accomplishing such a feat. or is it feet? hmmmm...

Saturday, July 11, 2009

um...hello there

hello reader personel who is reading my blog! first off, i would like to thank ye for taking your precious time and to just down right waste it on my blog, so thank ye, very much.

let me just apologize upfront for all of the inevitable future (and likely present) misspellings that you will be forced to encounter and gruesomely battle while you read my blog. i like to consider myself a rather educated 14 year old but my spelling always has been and is doomed to forever remain utterly horrendous. and, not to be rude while we are still becoming acquainted seeing as this is my very first post, but if you cant handle the spelling issues then you can suck it and leave. but if you can, then i can tell we are going to be great friends. struggling here. while typing the previous paragraph i thought of what i was going to write this here next paragraph about. but i seem to have momentarily oh! i remembered! i was going to address my apparent obsession with ellipses! (if you ever do not comprehend a word that i use in here i highly suggest you either get a brain scan or be freakishly cool and look it up-and if you choose this second option, then i can tell, yet again, that we are going to be great friends) ok, anyway. ellipses! in other words those ...'s that people use and can get reeeeaaally annoying in text conversations. yeah. you know what i mean if you are an avid texter. well, i myself am slightly hypocritical at times and this would be one such time. i hate it when people over use the awesome power that is the ellipses. but i love using them. i think this is most likely because when i type an ellipses i no-joke, really am, basically thinking dot dot dot. so yeah. im just warning you right now that you will see alot of ellipses on this blog. and i do not use the term 'alot' sparingly. but i just felt obligated to warn you in case you are one of those ellipses-haters, god forbid.
ok. i believe i have rambled enough for one post, let alone it being my very first on this blog. (this is your cue to mentally prepare your lil ol' self for the heartbreak of glorious me leaving you) but never fear! i shall be back. i will return to ramble further another day. so look onward, my literate friend, into the future where i promise to be posting again. unless, of course, i lose interest. in which case you would promptly have to put your big-kid panties on and deal with it.
aaaaalrighty. im officially done now.